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ShowBoxShowbox is an online movie or TV show review reader app which is available for Android users only. This app has nearly all the movies on it and has all the information about them. You can even know the cast and crew and even the directors of any movie by Showbox app. Download this app easily from its official website because it is not available on Playstore but it will be available on it soon. Showbox has a great UI which is very easy to use and anyone can use it without any worries. Save any review offline by just a single tap and read it whenever you want. Showbox has trailers of newly released movies and TV shows and anyone can watch them easily in their preferred quality and they can save them offline if they want by downloading them.

All the reviews which are uploaded on Showbox are legit and true because they are generated by trusted companies and all the reviews are trustworthy. Read reviews of any movie before watching it so that you get an idea that you should watch it or not. This app is specially designed for users who want to read reviews and details about any movie or TV shows. This app is very small in size and very easy to use. There are options available there on the home page of Showbox app which has all the movies divided into categories. There are tabs and you can switch from them like Trending, Blockbuster and All Time hits and anyone can read about them and reviews about those movies easily in some clicks.

ShowBox 4.61 for Android

  • Download Showbox for Android.
  • Open any file manager on your device and locate the downloaded apk.
  • Install the app and wait for the installation process to finish.
  • Open Showbox.