How to Install Showbox on Apple TV

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If you don’t know how to install Showbox on Apple TV then, this page will explain to you how to do it step-by-step. Also, this process requires a computer to sideload the Showbox apk file to Apple TV.

Remember that, it is impossible to setup Showbox apk without a computer. If you don’t have a computer then I request you get it from your friends or family for a while.

Showbox on Apple TV

Also Read >>> Showbox for Mac Download

Why we need a Computer for showbox installation?

Showbox isn’t available on App Store to install directly on Apple TV. So, we need to install it manually by Cydia impactor.

What is Cydia Impactor?

It is a tool which helps iOS users to IPA files on any IOS-devices including iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV. It is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. I’m going to use this tool here. Let’s see how.

Install Showbox on Apple TV (Works for All Generations)

As we all know that without jailbreaking the Apple TV, we can’t install any third-party apps. Showbox is one of the other than App store apps.

Note: We use the Showbox iOS version called as MovieBoxPRO.IPA file here. Both Showbox and MovieBox Pro are one and same but different names for different platforms. Don’t worry about it.

Part 1: Install Cydia Impactor on your Computer

  • Go to Cydia Impactor’s official website or click here.
Cydia Impactor Download page
  • Download the latest version of Cydia Impactor for your computer.
  • Make sure to choose your device and download it to the respective device.
  • Visit file location where it was saved.
  • Click to open the file to get started with the install.
  • Complete the installation part as like any other EXE, DMG or DEB.

Part 2: Add Showbox to Apple TV Via Cydia Impactor

  • Download MovieBoxPRO/Showbox Apk file from IPA store.
  • Switch on the Apple TV device.
  • The first step is to connect the Apple TV 4 to your Mac using the USB-C to USB-A cable mentioned above.
Cable for Apple TV
  • Open the Cydia Impactor on your computer. Now, you can see your Apple TV is connected to it.
  • Make a sure that your Apple TV should be on the list and connected to Cydia Impactor.
Cydia Impactor for Apple TV
  1. Then, drag a MovieBoxPRO.IPA file to Cydia Impactor.
  2. Now, enter your Apple ID and password.
  3. Click on Ok.
  4. Go back to your Apple TV and restart it.
  5. You can find it from your home itself.

Conclusive words for installation of showbox on apple tv.

I tried this method for Apple TV yesterday and it works for me. I struggle to find a MovieBoxPro.IPA file on the web but finally one of my friends shared a link. If you don’t find it in the Internet leave comment and I’ll share it with you.

I hope all the Apple users loved the article. Please this peace of content with your fiends and family.

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The post How to Install Showbox on Apple TV appeared first on Showbox apk.

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